Biomedical Engineering at KMITL is well recognized for its research in the Biomedical Image and Signal processing area. In the past decade, approximately ten Ph.D. candidates have graduated in this discipline. Some of the research highlights in Biomedical Image and Signal processing are provided below.

Face Recognition: In this research 3D Gaussian curvature on 3D facial surface was computed and used as geometric feature that is invariance to geometric transformation. The geometric features are the zero-curvature points residing on the parabolic contour (zero-Gaussian curvature contour). The features were arranged in an conformal order before being used to align the two 3D facial data. The error was then computed as used as criterion to identify person.

3D Eye Motion: Stereo cameras were installed on the goggle to capture the 2D image of the eye. The 3D coordinate was detected and used to move the 3D model of eyeball corresponding to the patient eyeball movement. The application of the system is used to diagnose patient with dizziness vertigo.

Ultrasonic Computed Tomography: Our system consists of the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver aligned in the opposite direction in the water tank. The ultrasonic signal was sent traversing the phantom and collected with the receiver. The series of collected signal served as projection data and can be used to reconstruct the cross-section image of the phantoms.
Research Contributors
- Prof. Dr. Chuchart Pintavirooj
- Asst. Prof. Dr. May Phu Paing